Celebrate The Swirl With National Froyo Day!

National Froyo Day is Wednesday, February 6th and we invite you to come celebrate the best frozen dessert on the planet with us! Originally, frozen yogurt was developed in the 1970’s as an alternative to ice cream and enjoyed a large boom in sales throughout the 1980’s. Making a comeback in the 21st century, we now have a large variety of flavors to accommodate all tastes! Combined with our numerous Toppings Bar options, you’re sure to find a delicious combo that’s unique to you!

Our frozen yogurt has 100 million Live and Active Cultures per gram, which is more than 10x the amount required to be considered yogurt! These Live and Active Cultures aid in digestive health and help decrease the lactose content in yogurt, which may help lactose-intolerant people enjoy dairy products with fewer feelings of discomfort*.  We also carry a variety of No-Sugar Added, Low Fat and Non-Fat flavors, making heatlhier choices easier for you and your family!

This year we have so many tasty options to help you celebrate, be sure to check with your local stores for special offers and events. We wish you a delicious National Froyo Day 2019, and here’s to more frosty favorites in the future!

*Make sure to check nutritionals of yogurt before indulging to make sure they meet your specific dietary needs